Ways to use what3words
From organising meetups to receiving contact-free deliveries,
here are some of the most popular ways of using what3words.
Plan activities and share locations
Join the runners, hikers, cyclists and bird watchers using what3words to share the precise starting points of activities as well as their favourite spots. To make life easier and less frustrating, always ask for or share a what3words address.
Get deliveries exactly where you want them
Many leading retailers accept what3words addresses on their checkout pages. When you spot one, enter your what3words address for a smoother delivery.
Find any destination in the world
From walking trails to incredible viewpoints – you can use what3words to save and share the exact locations of hidden gems with friends and followers.
Get help faster in an emergency
When it’s hard to describe where you are in an emergency, you only need to read out three words for 999 to know exactly where to find the incident.
Google Maps is a tool for navigation, public transport and for looking up POIs. what3words has a very different function – it’s an easy way to communicate exact locations, whether that’s spoken over the phone or into a car voice navigation system, or typed into a taxi app or a website checkout page.
If you’re given a what3words location, you can open it in the what3words app, then tap ‘Navigate’ and select ‘Google Maps’ to open the exact location in Google Maps and get directions.
Not at the moment, but you can enter the what3words address into the free what3words app, tap Navigate and then select Google Maps to open the location in Google Maps.
A location pin is impossible to describe over the phone or radio, to write down, or to enter into a speech recognition system. what3words offers a more flexible way to pass location information between people and machines or devices, online or offline.
You can find handy step-by-step instructions on how to use the what3words app here .
Without phone signal, the app functions the same as when you have no data connection: you can view the location of any what3words address you enter. You can also navigate to it using compass mode.
To share a what3words address over the phone or in a text message you need phone signal. To load maps, or share in other apps or social media, you need a data connection.
Watch our CEO Chris explain how what3words works offline
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