If your business uses addresses, it’s worth being precise
what3words has given every 3 metre square in the world a simple address made of 3 words that can be easily integrated into products, platforms and apps.
what3words has given every 3 metre square in the world a simple address made of 3 words that can be easily integrated into products, platforms and apps.
what3words is the easiest way to describe any precise location. Every 3 metre (10ft) square in the world has been given a unique address made of 3 random words. what3words addresses are precise, enabling them to specify building entrances, unlike a street address which identifies an entire building. It can easily be integrated into products, platforms and apps giving businesses access to precise location data for deliveries, in-car navigation, pinpointing infrastructure assets, ride-hailing, emergencies and more. Learn more about how what3words works here .
Around the world, what3words is being used by thousands of businesses on a daily basis. Logistics and e-commerce businesses like DPD, DHL Parcel UK, Evri, Aramex and the boohoo group are using what3words to ensure parcels are delivered exactly where they’re needed. The technology has also been built into in-car navigation systems by automakers like Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar Land Rover, Subaru of America and Mitsubishi, enabling drivers to enter any destination with just three words. Infrastructure companies such as UK Power Networks, National Grid and Thames Water all use what3words to pinpoint assets that otherwise would have no address. Emergency call centres around the world are also embracing what3words at a rapid pace, including 85% of emergency teams in the UK.
The what3words app and map website www.what3words.com are free of charge to use. Our API is charged according to usage and the number of what3words addresses that are converted to GPS coordinates each month. See our full billing plan here .
Many people already use what3words and know how to find a what3words address. People also find what3words addresses in places where they would find street addresses such as in text messages, on maps and signs, in guidebooks and on business information pages
If a customer doesn’t know how to find a what3words address yet, they can use the online map at what3words.com or the free what3words app. They should first search their street address, then select the exact 3 metre square of their delivery location – usually a building entrance or delivery bay.
Your social media and newsletters are a great place to encourage customers to find their what3words address, and use it when placing their next order. You’ll find handy resources for this in our Communication Hub .
To get an API key, go to our ‘plans & pricing’ page and select the plan that’s most suitable for you. You can log in or sign up to create a what3words account, enter your details and an API key will be generated for you. If you’ve created an API key already and are looking for where it’s stored, you can find it on your what3words account here .
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