How to use the what3words app
Master the basics, explore useful functions, and discover new ways to use what3words with our step-by-step videos.
Master the basics, explore useful functions, and discover new ways to use what3words with our step-by-step videos.
How to find a what3words address
How to share a what3words address
How to navigate to a what3words address
How to save a what3words address
How to find your what3words address in an emergency
How to use what3words without signal or data
How to find your current what3words address
How to change the language in the what3words app
How to use voice search with what3words
How to scan a what3words address
How to create and share a list of locations
How to display other location references
How to use what3words Compass
How to display a secondary language
How to add the what3words widget on iPhone
what3words is the easiest way to describe any precise location. It has divided the world into 3 metre squares and given each one a unique identifier made from three words.
what3words can be used via the
free mobile app
and the online map at
There’s also an API that developers can use to integrate what3words into their own apps and platforms.
Some examples of how people use what3words are: telling friends exactly where to meet, easily entering a precise destination into a ride-hailing app, and giving their precise location over the phone to emergency services.
Businesses in travel, mobility and logistics, as well as some emergency response teams, use what3words to operate more efficiently and provide a better service.
A what3words address is a combination of three words that identifies a specific 3 metre square. You can find a what3words address on or by downloading the free app . A what3words address is always written in the format ///word.word.word
Google Maps is a tool for navigation, public transport and for looking up POIs. what3words has a very different function – it’s an easy way to communicate exact locations, whether that’s spoken over the phone or into a car voice navigation system, or typed into a taxi app or a website checkout page.
If you’re given a what3words location, you can open it in the what3words app, then tap ‘Navigate’ and select ‘Google Maps’ to open the exact location in Google Maps and get directions.
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