
Coordinates to 3 words

Convert a layer of coordinates to 3 word addresses

3 words to coordinates

Create a layer from a table of 3 word addresses.

Search and drag

Enable search for 3 word addresses and plot 3 word addresses on a map.
what3words GIS extensions

ArcGIS Locator

Add the what3words API to your ArcGIS product suite with our ArcGIS Locator. To get started, sign up for a what3words API key.

QGIS Plugin

Search for 3 word addresses and convert coordinates to 3 word addresses using the QGIS plugin.

MapInfo Pro

Use what3words within MapInfo Pro.

Cadcorp SIS WebMap

what3words can be integrated with Cadcorp SIS WebMap.

Geocortex Essentials

what3words can be integrated as a geocoding service within Geocortex Essentials .

Related products
ecommerce logo

Use the what3words API to easily integrate what3words into your products and services.

excel logo

Access the API functionality within Excel to convert between GPS coordinates and 3 word addresses.

what 3 words logo

Find, save or share a 3 word address with our free app.