Get deliveries exactly where you want them
with what3words and DHL Parcel
Add a what3words address to your DHL Parcel profile so couriers know exactly where to deliver your parcels.
Get deliveries exactly where you want them
with what3words and DHL Parcel
Add a what3words address to your DHL Parcel profile so couriers know exactly where to deliver your parcels.
Find your what3words address
Go to
and we’ll help you find the
what3words address for your exact delivery location.
Hint: select the square at your front door or exact delivery location.
Open the DHL Parcel app
in the bottom right, then:
My Profile > Delivery Addresses > Home > what3words.
Enter your what3words address
Type the 3 words into the box, select the correct location from the drop-down menu and tap ‘Save’.
Don’t forget the dots between the words,
for example ///filled.count.soap
Next time you place an order fulfilled by DHL Parcel, the courier will navigate directly to the what3words address that’s now saved on your profile.
A what3words address works for ground level, just like a street address. Simply give the what3words address for the building entrance, then add the floor and flat or office information. For example, what3words HQ is at ///filled.count.soap on the third floor, Studio 301.
Our AutoSuggest technology helps e-commerce customers spot and correct input mistakes by displaying a dropdown list of suggested what3words addresses, along with contextual location information. For greater accuracy and reliability, these suggestions are geographically limited to the chosen shipping country.
Around 75% of the world suffers from inconsistent, complicated, poor or no addressing systems. In total 4 billion people around the world don’t have an address. But even in the countries in the world where addressing works okay, it’s far from perfect. For example: there are eight different Lonsdale Roads around London, a lot of houses don’t have numbers, an address can’t tell you the correct entrance to a large building, and in unfamiliar countries the addressing can be difficult to understand. what3words is perfect for these situations, and for the frequent moments when you need to talk about somewhere that doesn’t actually have a street address.