Get smoother and more precise deliveries with what3words and Yodel
Add a what3words address to your profile in the Yodel app to specify a precise 3 metre square delivery location.
Add a what3words address to your profile in the Yodel app to specify a precise 3 metre square delivery location.
Find your what3words address
Go to to find the what3words address for your home or delivery point.
Tip: select the 3m square at the front door or as close to the delivery location as possible.
Open the Yodel app
On the Account Details page, tap Delivery Addresses and add or select a location. When you enter your street address and tap Save , you will be prompted to enter the what3words address.
Enter your what3words address
Type the 3 words for your delivery location into the box and press the return button to enter. Complete the next step and press Save .
Don’t forget to put a dot between each word, and no spaces.
Find out how you can improve your customer experience with what3words.
A what3words address works for ground level, just like a street address. Simply give the what3words address for the building entrance, then add the floor and flat or office information. For example, what3words HQ is at ///filled.count.soap on the third floor, Studio 301.
what3words’ AutoSuggest technology helps spot and correct mistakes by displaying location information alongside the what3words address, as well as suggestions for what you may have intended to enter.
Even in countries where addressing works okay, it’s far from perfect. For example: there are eight different Lonsdale Roads around London, a lot of houses don’t have numbers, and an address can’t tell you the correct entrance to a large building.