7 brain teasers with what3words
During lockdown we’re delighted that so many people have been creating and participating in educational games with what3words. Check out our favourites below and learn simple ways to create your own!
1. Chocolate treasure hunt
Dr Gavin Sullivan kept his children entertained with a simple treasure hunt. Although this activity was held over Easter, we’re sure that chocolate-themed treasure hunts won’t go amiss during the weekends to come!
Create your own
Step one: Hide prizes at different locations around your garden or local trail.
Step two: Note down the what3words addresses of each prize.
Step three: Create clues to help children find the what3words address of each prize and navigate there.

2. Guess the address
In April, people solved a what3words address crossword-style puzzle to find four easter eggs hidden around the world.
Create your own
Step one: Browse the what3words map and choose a what3words address anywhere in the world
Step two (optional clue!): Take a screenshot of the satellite view
Step three: Create a cryptic clue for each of the three words
Then incentivise with the prize of your choice!

3. Brain teasers
Kudos to @slay1373 for creating a challenging brain teaser to keep his community engaged!
Create your own
Step one:
Choose five of your favourite places in the world
Step two:
Go to the what3words map and find the what3words address of each one
Step three:
Create a clever clue for each word and a table for people to fill in, like above

4. Local thinking and exercise trail
To add some fun to his community’s once-a-day walks, Pete Dunford created a trail with codes to crack.
Create your own
Step one:
Choose some of your favourite sights from your daily walk, for example, a pretty cherry tree or calming brook.
Step two:
Go to the what3words map and find the what3words address of each one.
Step three:
Create a clue for each word

5. Daydream holidays with what3words
Where would you love to be on your next holiday? mickysf from Humberside encouraged his community to post clues that point to a what3words address they’re dreaming of visiting.

6. Quiz night special
In March, the Cleveland Police Cadets incorporated a what3words question into their virtual quiz night.
Next time you host a quiz, add what3words into the geography round! (Refer back to Guess the Address, a what3words quiz favourite.)

7. Write a poem
A great creative exercise for people of all ages: Use the what3words address of a memorable life event as the title of your poem. This could be anywhere from the location of your childhood home to where you got married. Then, use the three words, any associations with them and the memories of the time and place in your poem. Here are the winning poems from our last poetry competition.