what3words helps Wifinity reduce fault resolution times by up to 60 minutes
Wifinity deploys internet solutions to some of the most remote and challenging environments across Europe, like holiday parks. It uses what3words to ensure its users stay connected around the clock.
what3words is an easy way to identify precise locations. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three random words: a what3words address. For example, ///tools.notice.woke is the what3words address for the exact entrance to Wifinity’s head office in Kingston Upon Thames.
Wifinity adopted what3words in 2020 to locate its customers and assets more efficiently. It captures each network components’ what3words address on its platform, so precise locations are recorded in a simple format and are easy to share in the future.
With accurate location information, faults can be resolved faster, and Wifinity’s preventative maintenance programme can be completed efficiently, helping identify potential problems before they arise.
“We’re excited to be working in partnership with what3words as its technology is helping us to respond to incidents faster and plays a significant role in enhancing the customer experience.” said Rafille Mir, Sales & Marketing Director.
When something goes wrong, Wifinity’s proactive monitoring platform immediately notifies the service operations team and dispatches a field engineer to the exact what3words address of the faulty network hardware. Using what3words has helped the company reduce fault resolution times by up to 10 minutes in residential apartment blocks and up to 60 minutes in remote holiday parks.
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