Finding hidden gems easily with what3words and Small Luxury Hotels of the World
Small Luxury Hotels of the World offers a hand-picked selection of over 550 luxury and boutique hotels in more than 80 countries. To help guests find their accommodation easily, 3 word addresses have been added to every listing in the 2018 printed guide, which will be available in June 2018. The Canaves Oia Hotel in Santorini, for example, can be found at ///refines.windsurf.brie
Many of SLH’s hotels are tucked away down winding paths, or hidden in tranquil forest or beachside locations. A 3 word address provides guests with easy-to-use and accurate location information. They simply enter the three words into the free what3words app and get directions to their hotel’s entrance using their favourite navigation app.
Soon hotel guests arriving by car will be able to say three words to their navigation system to be directed right to the entrance, as this year Mercedes-Benz launches the world’s first car with built-in what3words voice navigation.
Around the world, what3words is helping travel companies such as SLH offer a smoother and more enjoyable customer experience, and helping hotel guests to enjoy a more relaxing start to their holiday.