Many emergency services around the UK are now using what3words as part of their operations In these areas, callers can now give a 3 word address over the phone when they call 999 and help will be sent straight to that precise location.
what3words-enabled Products
Explore the full range of products and integrations built by what3words and our partners. See if your favourite products are what3words-enabled!
Emergency Plus
Australia’s national emergency app has integrated what3words to help callers easily share their exact location, so help can find them faster.
Snap Send Solve
This app has integrated what3words to help the public notify local councils or other authorities of issues in their community.
This Australian app for volunteer first responders offers what3words as an emergency location reference.
This emergency software enables teams to locate callers using what3words.
OK Alone
This app enables lone workers to share their exact location using a what3words address, for a faster response in emergencies.
Users of Safe Hub app can find the what3words address for their exact location and share it with responders in an emergency.
Lone workers using this platform can now share a what3words location with others for safety.
Morni KSA Road Assistance
Morni is the largest logistics and roadside assistance network in the Middle East, available 24/7 inside and outside cities. Its customers can provide their what3words address during a breakdown to help Morni teams identify their location faster.
Users can now mark the location of major incidents using a 3 word address within the JESIP app. This streamlines the process for different blue lights agencies to coordinate their response to major incidents.