3 words to keep lone workers and explorers safe with Antris
Antris helps organisations safeguard lone-working employees and at-risk teams in the field and uses what3words in route-planning and for emergency response. Both companies are part of Esri’s emerging business program.
It is common practice to document travel plans on paper and leave it with a team member in the hope that they will react quickly and appropriately if a traveller doesn’t check in or arrive as planned. These concerns have even greater impact in cases where organisations have entire teams working at risk or travelling alone. There are a lack of universal best practices for ensuring safety when in the field or travelling. Until now, GPS and communications technologies have not been combined to replace largely ineffective processes such as paper forms or manual calls and messages. The result is a major gap in the provision of safety for millions of travellers, adventurers, and lone workers globally.
Working hand-in-hand with Search and Rescue specialists, Antris has developed an easy-to-use and robust trip planning tool to address personal security needs and work-alone safety for organisations. Antris’ fully automated solution proactively monitors safe check-ins during travel and takes the worry out of trip planning by notifying the necessary people of a trip’s progress. Antris stores all data and compiles them into customised reports so organisations receive ongoing feedback and analytics on their operational workflows and compliance management.
Hillman Energy has staff working across Ontario, Canada and they use Antris for workforce and safety management as their workers visit gas and well sites to conduct assessments and maintenance. Similarly, it is used by rangers whose workers cover large areas in the course of a day’s work in national parks and similar sites.
Workers download the Antris app and specify their route for the day, or are assigned it by a workforce manager. Addresses are entered for each site/location they are visiting and pinned as a checkpoint for them to check in when they arrive. Managers know where their team members plan to be, and when they have arrived, and can therefore know that their teams are safe. For remote, large and poorly addressed locations such as national parks, well sites and oil plants, Antris makes use of what3words technology to make sure every location can be quickly and simply communicated.
Rangers or engineers working on plants, for example, would not have a postal address to enter for a check-in point. Instead, they can share the 3 word address of the location they are visiting – such as a visitor centre in a national park at hamburgers.liners.served or the location of a well they will be maintaining on a planet at tequila.unstuck.spitfire. Users can both enter a known 3 word address and discover one by dropping a pin in an unaddressed location.
As workers depart on their route, team leaders receive live information on when and where they have checked in, including the 3 word address. If a worker does not check in or calls for help, they have accurate location information in order to respond. In the emergency escalation part of the package, specified emergency contacts are automatically provided with the last known details if a checkpoint is missed, or current location details if an emergency ticket has been raised.
Every checkpoint and location viewed in the cloud platform has its 3 word address label and so responders and Search and Rescue professionals have a simple address they can navigate to.