what3words and IamResponding Partner to Help First Responders Quickly Locate People in Need
IamResponding, the end-to-end emergency response system that delivers time-saving alerts and critical incident data with unrivaled reliability to 450,000+ first responders, today announced an integration with innovative location technology what3words. The integration will further ensure that first responders - firefighters, emergency medical providers, dispatchers, law enforcement, and other emergency responders - have a human-friendly way to identify and communicate precise locations in any emergency across both the US and Canada.
Finding the right location in an emergency is crucial, but not always easy for first responders. Street addresses do not always point to precise locations, posing challenges when it comes to locating a person in spaces such as the middle of a stadium or car parks, and many places do not have street addresses at all, including popular hotspots like national parks, campsites and beaches.
To solve this challenge, what3words has divided the globe into a grid of 10ft squares, and assigned each a unique identifier made of three random words, known as a what3words address. For example, ///usual.trying.highs marks an exact spot that offers the best view of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. This enables individuals to find and share any precise location with just three words. This integration extends the what3words solution to IamResponding by allowing an emergency location’s unique 3-word address to be sent to and mapped by first responders directly through IamResponding.
“Simplifying the access to a location for first responders is pivotal for their rescue efforts – because we all know that when time is saved, lives are saved,” said Daniel Seidberg, President of IamResponding. “We’re continually innovating and finding ways to improve and facilitate access to tools and resources for the approximate 9,400 emergency response agencies that we serve, so we can do our part to keep their crews and communities safer.”
First Responders connected to the IamResponding platform will have direct access to the what3words integration via the address search bar. Users will be able to switch between searching for traditional latitude and longitude addresses or opt to search a what3words address. Emergency responders using the app are also able to tap their location to identify their what3words address, which prompts the app to automatically copy the location to their device’s clipboard, and succinctly share their exact location with additional responders and or dispatch centers.
“what3words precise and easily communicable addresses have proven to be a valuable tool for emergency response teams across the globe. We’re proud that this integration will bring our technology to over 450,000 first responders across the US & Canada, bolstering their emergency response toolkit, and saving time and resources when it matters most” said Chris Sheldrick, Co-founder & CEO of what3words.
The integration of IamResponding and what3words launches today and is available through the IamResponding app.
To learn more about the solution, visit IamResponding.com.